I have lots of pictures to share with you from our trip to Michigan to see James's cousin Phil's wedding.

It was Vanessa's first time on an airplane. Grampa helped make waiting around at the airport much more fun.

Nana helped ease Vanessa's apprehension about flying. Vanessa didn't cry on the flight, but she was a little squirmy when the air pressure changed on the way up and on the way down. A little water and some bread seemed to help her handle those changes in pressure better.

The happy couple, Phil and Robin, at the reception.

Vanessa liked to walk around and see all the people at the reception.

Melanie gets to hold Vanessa. Vanessa was VERY interested in Melanie's necklace. I'm surprised Vanessa let Melanie keep it, honestly.

Cousins Melanie and Kalena try to prove that they don't look like identical twins. They do look like cousins, though, don't they?

Speaking of twins, these two (Vanessa and Grandma Webb) could almost be twins, aside from the age difference! Haha! They have the same birthday (we won't tell how many years apart!)
Let's look at those "twins" from a different angle. See the resemblence?

Grampa Webb was excited to see Vanessa again!
Cousin Matthew fed Vanessa a little whole wheat bread. Vanessa really does like bread.
The three of us Maxteds all dressed up!
Before the wedding, Vanessa was very energetic, and ready to play! She really liked the rocking horse in the church nursery.

After the reception, Vanessa was all worn out! Daddy carried her while she slept.

James and three of his favorite ladies.

Before the wedding, Vanessa was playing with her reflection, when she almost pulled the mirror off the wall. You'd think hotel's would use more than one nail to hold on a heavy mirror like that! Well, leave it to Vanessa to find a way to make something move or make noise.
Mommy loves you, Vanessa! Oh, you don't find kisses embarrassing already, do you?

The day after the wedding, we spent some time walking around the campus of the University of Michigan, James's dad's alma mater. Here's Vanessa wearing a new hat with an M on it, in her grampa's arms.

We had lunch at the Brown Jug, the little eatery near campus where Vanessa's grandparents had their first date oh so many years ago!
Vanessa looks pretty hip in her baby carrier with her hat on backwards!
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