Vanessa enjoyed the new experience of clambering all over the bed before I'd had a chance to locate the sheets for it. So many new experiences for her!
Vanessa has always had the habit of finding her own snacks when mommy was too slow to find them for her. After a recent experience in the grocery store when Vanessa got hold of the Kix box that I had opened to appease her appetite while I was shopping, I always make sure to only leave mostly empty cereal boxes on tables or other places within reach.
Vanessa has really enjoyed exploring the outdoors in our own back yard.
Vanessa compares tongues with Kyra.
Vanessa and Kyra lounge in the kitchen together. Vanessa never wanted Kyra too far out of her sight!
In this picture, Vanessa is trying to see if Kyra is awake. She's been fascinated by the sleeping/awake pair of opposites for a while, but lately she's taken it to a whole new level. Now any kind of inanimate object might take a nap in her crib or on a bed.
My favorite example of Vanessa deciding to help her toys take a nap is when she put her large green lego block down for bedtime (actually a Duplo, but I always call Duplos legos). She made sure to cover it with a blanket and rub its back. She's also put her magnetic letters down for a nap, and always flips them over so that they are backwards, on their "tummies!" Her legos also had a chance to have a snack in the high chair and to go for a ride in the stroller. I wouldn't be surprised if Vanessa's legos get a good tooth-brushing one day soon.
Uncle Brian attempted to keep Vanessa from squishing her toes with my software engineering book (which Vanessa enjoys flipping through from time to time). Vanessa actually managed to bring the heavy text all the way over to me without dropping it.
I told Vanessa she was strong, and she agreed. "Strong" is one of her favorite new signs. Her other favorite new sign is "fix." The other day, Vanessa found a nail in a box that had found its way into a box that hadn't finished unpacking. She decided to take the nail and "fix" her cardboard box (the one in the picture above) because it had a tear in it. For safety, I should have immediately taken the nail away from her, but I was fascinated by the fact that she understood that nails were for fixing things! When had she seen that? I did take it away in just another minute, when she decided that a nail would also be really great for "fixing" the CD player!
In news of Elizabeth, the doctor thought I might be measuring small again, and I was worried that I would end up being induced early like I was with Vanessa, but an ultrasound this week showed that Elizabeth is doing just great, no reason to worry at all! I have some pretty good ultrasound pictures that I'll try to post soon. I am so very glad that Elizabeth is doing well, and I am glad that I have the extra time to get organized before welcoming Elizabeth into our lives!
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