Remember our home-grown pumpkin? Vanessa decided that she wanted to design a jack-o-lantern. So she drew the lines and I did the cutting. I think that was the right parent order there...
Now the girls love Rapunzel and Tangled. In fact, they told Sarah that they both really wanted to be Rapunzel for Halloween. So Sarah, being the costume guru that she is, makes perfect Rapunzel costumes for them. And what does Vanessa decide on Halloween morning? That she wants to be a witch. Needless to say, we convinced that she could fly around the house as a witch for a bit, but that she should really wear the Rapunzel costume at night.
That ended up being a good compromise.
Don't they look cute?
Love the boots.
Jumping ahead a little bit, we were lucky to have my grandparents in town for Christmas. We had family and friends over to make gingerbread houses, well graham cracker houses.
Here my grandma and mom help the girls with their houses.
On Christmas morning, Vanessa was very excited to get purple handtowels in her stocking.Elizabeth is digging deep for hers.
After Christmas morning at home, we went over to my parents for more presents and lunch.Elizabeth waits patiently while Sarah helps open her and Vanessa's new collection of Disney princess dolls.
Elizabeth really liked the Christmas tree.
We even got a couple of pictures with them in my grandparents. We're always bad about taking photos when family is over, so we were glad to get a couple in.
Sarah and I join the picture while we let my mom use my camera phone. That's always an adventure.Then Vanessa wanted to show off her balancing skills.
During that week off from Christmas, I took the kids down to Williamsburg to hang out at my parents' place there. We went to Christmas Town at Busch Gardens. The girls waited patiently with me in line for over an hour to go on the Skyride through the Christmas lights at night.
Finally, Elizabeth got some bouncing time with her grandpa. We're so thankful that Grandma and Grandpa Webb make the time to see us so frequently!
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